Desktop port tips


This page is dedicated to the Desktop version of zmNinja and tips & tricks

Command Line parameters

The following command line parameters are supported:

--path=<dir>  - starts zmNinja and stores user profile information to that directory.
                This allows you to switch between different user settings.

--fs          - starts zmNinja in full screen mode

--lang        - specifies a language profile that will be used to display input
                dates etc. Just switching a "language" in zmNinja does not affect browser
                default language. I currently don't know how to wire this to zmNinja's language
                as this is electron stuff so you'll have to pass it as command line.

Multiple instances

It is actually possible to launch multiple instances of the same desktop app from command line. This allows you to watch different servers at the same time as well as use multiple monitors. I strongly recommend you use unique --path arguments with each instance because otherwise one instance will conflict with another.

So lets say you want to run 2 copies of zmNinja at the same time:

mkdir -p /path/to/instance1
mkdir -p /path/to/instance2

And then:

# for linux
zmninjapro-1.3.22-x86_64.AppImage  --path=/path/to/instance1
zmninjapro-1.3.22-x86_64.AppImage  --path=/path/to/instance2

#for OSX. Note the -n is critical to launch a new instance
open -n ./ --args --path=/path/to/instance1 &
open -n ./ --args --path=/path/to/instance2 &


The following hotkeys are supported while the app is running:

[Cmd/Ctrl] + L         -> Lock app (if pin code is being used)
[Cmd/Ctrl] + Shift + F -> toggle between full screen and windowed mode
[Cmd/Ctrl] + Shift + D -> opens the debug window.
                        Super useful to see what is going on,
                        especially when things don't work

Keyboard bindings

Live Monitor View (single view, not montage):

Arrow Left  -> move to previous monitor
Arrow Right -> move to next monitor
Esc         -> remove live view
P           -> toggle PTZ

PTZ Operations to move (PTZ should be toggled to on first):

Q W E  -> UpLeft, Up, UpRight
A S D  -> Left, Home,Right
Z X C  -> DownLeft, Down, DownRight

Event Footage View:

Arrow Left  -> move to previous event
Arrow Right -> move to next event
Enter       -> play the event if in snapshot mode (shows red play button)
Esc         -> remove event footage view


Arrow Up    -> Zoom In
Arrow Down  -> Zoom Out
Arrow Left  -> Pan Left
Arrow Right -> Pan Right
Esc         -> Fit timeline back to view (reset)
A           -> Previous Day
D           -> Next Day

Desktop data storage locations

User data is typically stored in the following locations:

  • ~/Library/Application Support/zmNinjaDesktop for OSX

  • %APPDATA%/zmNinjaDesktop for Windows

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zmNinjaDesktop or ~/.config/zmNinjaDesktop for Linux

To completely remove the app, you may want to delete both the app bundle/binary and these locations as applicable on your system